BCANN DAO Interim Bylaws

[ BCANN DAO Interim Bylaws ] 



This Charter is based on the agreement of the BCANN Community Ecology parties.  

Article 1 Principles of Peace 

Community members resolve community issues in a peaceful (including but not limited to consultation, negotiation, mediation, arbitration, litigation and other legal frameworks) manner. 

Article 2 Good Faith 

Community members participating in community governance affairs should be responsible for the loss caused by false and misleading statements or behaviors, and will lose any benefits gained from them.

Article 3 Rights 

Membership rights are acquired based on a set of rules of the community, as well as agreements between members. 

Article 4 No paid voting shall be allowed 

No member shall offer or accept anything of value in exchange for a vote of any kind, nor shall any member unduly influence the vote of another. 

Article 5 Communities shall not be controlled 

Members shall not authorize any person to hold collective assets, borrow or enter into contracts on behalf of BCANN as a whole. BCANN has no owner, manager or trustee. 

Article 6 Compensation 

Each member agrees to penalties for breach of contract, including, but not limited to, fines, account losses and other compensation. 

Article 7 Open Source Sharing 

This community governance rule should be open and transparent to support community members. 

Article 8 Language 

In the event of a dispute, the parties to a multilingual contract dispute shall designate one as the dominant language, and the author of any translation shall be liable for damages arising from a proven translation that is false, misleading or vague. 

Article 9 Dispute Settlement 

Any dispute arising out of or in connection with these By-laws shall be resolved by one or more arbitrators appointed under these By-laws in accordance with the dispute resolution rules adopted by the members of this Community. 

Article 10 Choice of Law

The choice of law in the dispute shall be in accordance with the principle of most closely related to the interests of the dispute and in accordance with this Constitution and the principle of equity. 

Article 11 Amendment 

This Bylaw and its appendages may be amended unless more than 60% of the members of the community vote and those voting members have served the community for more than 180 consecutive days. 

Article 12 Information Release 

Members shall release information in accordance with the rules of the community and the legal requirements of their jurisdiction. 

Members voluntarily agree that all Members have the right to retain a copy and to analyze and publish all relevant transaction and derivative information. 

Article 13 Informed consent 

All service providers providing tools to the community shall make available to other members this Charter and the necessary information provided in this Charter such as contract documents. The service provider shall be solely liable for any loss caused by failure to disclose the necessary information to the user. 

Article 14 Severability 

If any part of this Constitution is declared unenforceable or invalid, the remaining part shall remain valid and enforceable. 

Article 15 Termination of the Agreement 

Upon meeting the criteria for leaving the community, the Member shall be automatically released from all revocable obligations under this Bylaw. Voting rights are restored if a member has been away from the community for more than 180 days after a period of inactivity of 3 years. 

Article 16 Service Responsibility 

Members regard any inadvertent error by community participants in the provision of services as innocent. Whether or not these errors were caused by actual or perceived negligence. 

Article 17 Deliberation 

All rights and obligations under this Constitution are mutual and reciprocal and are of equal value and loss to all parties. 

Article 18 Copies 

These Articles of Association may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which at the time of execution and delivery shall constitute an original copy, but all of which together shall constitute an Agreement.

 Article 19 Provisional Articles of Association 

The constitution is temporary and will remain in force until a permanent constitution is enacted and approved by referendum.