Web2 and web3 domain names are simple identifiable strings with suffixes, such as apple.com, vitalik.eth, and summer.meta. Domain name is IP and brand in the Internet and Metaverse of IP’s territorial extension.
Web3 domain name is the mapping and link to the elements of the Metaverse, which is the infrastructure of the Metaverse.Web2 domain names are also accessible through technological innovations.
Fusion of web2 and web3 domain names: New functions of web2 domain names are also being implemented using blockchain technology; The web3 domain name extends to the web2 domain through the application of wallets, plug-ins and browsers. They are technically compatible.
BCANN will collaborate with third parties to study the integration of web2 domain names and web3 domain names. Develop the Universal Name System to allow more people to quickly access the Metaiverse.