WIPO:NDRS for Generic Top-Level Domains

WIPODomain Name Dispute Resolution Service for Generic Top-Level Domains 

In December 1999, the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center began offering domain name dispute resolution services under the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP). The Center’s services include administering second-level domain name disputes for generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs) to which the UDRP applies. The Center is the leading provider of dispute resolution services under the WIPO-initiated, ICANN-mandated UDRP. The Center also administers disputes under a number of specific policies, adopted by individual gTLD registries as discussed further below.

Which Policy is Applicable to My Dispute?

The UDRP is applicable to second-level domain name registrations in the following gTLDs: .aero, .asia, .biz, .cat, .com, .coop, .info, .jobs, .mobi, .museum, .name, .net, .org, .pro, .tel and travel. The UDRP also applies to all New gTLDs.

For information on the applicability and scope of the UDRP see the Center’s guide.

Policies and procedures other than the UDRP may also be applicable to some of the above-mentioned gTLDs. For example, there are two dispute resolution policies potentially applicable to second-level domain name registrations within the .name space, one being the UDRP and the other the Eligibility Requirements Dispute Resolution Policy (ERDRP).

Some registries have also put in place Rights Protection Mechanisms (RPMs) such as a “sunrise” procedure during their pre-launch phase by which rights holders may defensively register or object to the registration of domain names in certain circumstances.

Information regarding specific gTLDs to which policies and procedures other than the UDRP may apply is set out directly below. Information regarding inactive, registry-specific RPMs including sunrise procedures of historical interest is also set out in the individual pages below, as well as in the WIPO End Reports on Case Administration.

Further information concerning the Center’s administration of domain name disputes under the UDRP, including links to the policy, applicable rules and supplemental rules, model pleadings, frequently asked questions, and other useful resources can be found at UDRP Procedures for Generic Top Level Domains (gTLDs).

Registry-Specific Policies and Procedures

Information regarding specific gTLD registries, and policies and procedures applicable to domain name registrations within each corresponding domain space follows.











Country Code Top-Level Domains

In addition to the above, the Center currently also provides domain name dispute resolution services for over 80 country code Top-Level Domains (ccTLDs).

WIPO Activities Related to New gTLDs

Following ICANN’s announcement of plans to broadly expand the present number of gTLDs, WIPO has been collaborating with ICANN constituents in seeking to ensure that intellectual property, and in particular trademark law, is appropriately respected in the event the introduction of New gTLDs proceeds as envisioned by ICANN.

This collaboration has inter alia taken the form of WIPO’s policy input to ICANN including proposals and further input on trademark-based dispute resolution procedures which aim to respect trademark rights while striking a balance with the practical interests and legitimate expectations of the Domain Name System actors.

More detailed information is available on the following web pages:

·WIPO Activities Related to New gTLDs

·Selected WIPO Correspondence with ICANN